That each woman has a tendency to hoard particular items is a given. Be it bags, be it dresses or shoes, each of us has a closet full of them. I in particular lean to shoes that I even have a blog for them, “She Who Dies with the Most Shoes Wins.” You know, the imeldific trait or the I-don’t-care-how-much-they-cost attitude of Carrie in Sex and the City. You’ve probably spent a fortune without even knowing.
Guilty pleasures. That’s how we justify them. So let’s talk about shoes and anything related to them.

It is but natural to spend some bucks in the name of fashion. But aside from the shoes that fills up your closet, you should also spend on other things that would make walking with any given pair comfortable and less the hassle. Here are my top picks.
Table of Contents
1. Strappy strips
Sandals, slingbacks or thongs…sexy, strappy and goes about with just anything…but those straps would cause friction and blisters. With these strips, you won’t even remember having them straps.
2. Shoe insoles
Cushion your soles as you walk down the red carpet…I mean, the pavement. With insoles that are comfy and soft, walking even with 3 inches up is not as painful.
3. Gel Spots
Sometimes, you cannot tell which part of your feet would have blisters or would be rubbed in when you put them shoes. Gel spots are your friend, they provide an invisible layer of cushion to avoid friction on particular feet areas.
4. Toe Gel Cushions
Your skin between the toe finger and the next gets the most when you wear thong sandals. To save them from being salvaged, insert these toe gel cushions so that your feet won’t slide out to prevent friction.
Our feet perhaps suffer the most among our body parts, with the weight it carries as we walk, whatever we wear and even the time we spent for their treatment could be minimal compared to when we get a facial or hair pampering. It is best to put some protection, for even though she who dies with the most shoes win, she whose feet is less glamorous or with a dead toe nail, loses.

I want shelves like that for my shoes 🙂
I f I had that many shoes they would need their own place!
that’s my dream closet!
How can anyone wear that many pairs of shoes???
I LOVE shoes especially Summer Sandals, wish I had them that organized tho lol